Change Ahead For Education

Michael KawulaResponse from Mike Kawula, founder, Help A Teen.

This is a rocking chair moment for many of our children, who will look back at this time and say they were a part of the shift that happened in education.

First, schools nationwide aren’t prepared for this and similar to practicing Fire Drills and unfortunately practicing hiding under a desk for school shooters, they will also begin practicing for situations like this.

Education has resisted online learning (unions and government) but this might just be the push that was needed.

Online teaching is easy to be audited and therefore can remove political biases or beliefs from teachers.

What will be needed though is conversation about what is learned online.

I believe gradually more schools will test this type of learning to assure they’re prepared starting as soon as next year when we return to some normalcy and will gradually develop a hybrid type of learning.

Currently, one of my three teens experiences this through virtually learning and she’s had uninterrupted learning. My other two though are a part of this and I can see the craziness first hand.

One things for sure, change will happen!

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