Tag: Adapting Educational Strategy For the 2020-21 School Year Because of COVID-19

Adapting Educational Strategy For the 2020-21 School Year Because of COVID-19

Responses by Tao Le, MD, MHS, series editor of the First Aid book series and CEO of ScholarRx.

How might education change in terms of teaching strategy as a result of the coronavirus?

Most schools already had lecture-recording capabilities where many students were watching the talks online, and we expect a lot of this to continue even after the pandemic subsides. We’ve also seen a huge interest in pre-built curriculum systems like our ScholarRx Bricks which has more than doubled in usage since the pandemic started. The primary strategy here is to use them as part of a “flipped classroom” where curated pre-work is assigned before a live session where the instructor works with the students to apply what they’ve learned.

With regards to specific teaching activities:

How might school education change in terms of virtual learning?

There will be more virtual learning, particularly in the non-clinical phases of training, as has been seen at undergraduate universities. This group of students has grown up with video and multimedia, so it is not a limitation per se. However, many faculty don’t have adequate experience in developing instructionally sound online learning experiences. This is where schools and individual instructors may look to curricular platforms like ScholarRx, which are designed from the ground up for digital learning.

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