Tag: education technology trends

Expert Insights Into the 2024 Higher Education Landscape

Modern Campus Launches Personalization Engine for Higher Education ...

As we step into the mid-way point in 2024, the higher education industry is bracing for a wave of transformative changes. Below, several experts from higher education tech company Modern Campus collectively paint a future where traditional educational models are rapidly evolving. The burgeoning adoption of microcredentials promises a more flexible and competency-based learning landscape, tailored to meet the ever-changing needs of the workforce. Higher education institutions are expected to pivot significantly, focusing more on aligning their offerings with industry requirements and enhancing the overall student experience.

Peter DeVries, CEO

Amrit Ahluwalia, Senior Director of Strategic Insights

Keith Renneker, VP Sales for Modern Campus Connected Curriculum and Modern Campus CMS

David Cashwell, VP Sales for Modern Campus Lifelong Learning

Andy Gould, VP Sales for Modern Campus Student Engagement Suite

Chad Rowe, VP Product for Modern Campus Lifelong Learning

Kim Prieto, SVP Product

From the accelerated adoption of microcredentials to the strategic role of IT leaders, and from the integration of AI to the focus on student engagement, these changes reflect a broader shift in educational priorities and methodologies. Higher education institutions must adapt to these changes, balancing innovation with the enduring values of accessibility and quality education. In doing so, they will not only meet the evolving needs of students and the workforce but also lead the way in shaping a future where education is more adaptable, inclusive, and aligned with the ever-changing global landscape.